Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Who is a hero actually?
Is it Superman who flies and rescues people,
Is it the stranger who smiles at you on the road,
Who is a hero actually?
Is it batman who users his powerful car to save Gotham city,
Is it the person who makes you laugh when you are down.
Who is a hero actually?
Is it Spiderman who users his spider powers to climb walls,
Is it the person who just simply listens to all your problems.
Who is a hero actually?
Is it Iron Man who users his suit and gadgets to save people,
Is it the person who helps a blind man cross the road.
Who is a hero actually?
Is it the Hulk, who is so huge, green and strong,
Or is it just
The simple person beside you who hugs you when you need a hug.
Who is a hero actually?

Superman, batman, spiderman, iron man and the hulk
Are all heroes,
But you-
You who smile,
You who make people laugh,
You who care for others,
You who are they to listen,
You who are there to hug,
You my friend are
by Viloshena Ravandran

1 comment:

Jiawen said...

Hehe..I'd rather have superpowers than be nice to ordinary folks. At least, when you are not appreciated after you have helped them, you can blast them to hell! Muahahahaha...miss you girl!