Saturday, May 9, 2009

In the train...

Going in the train
I see
A station in which a mum is holding tight to her kid
In the next station I see
Another kid walking beside his father
In the next I see
A kid walking a distance away from her mum
In the next I see
A guy walking hand in hand with a girl
I wonder
When will I be there
The sight of the next station
Makes me thank GOD
For where I am now
I see an old woman walking alone
And an old man
Sleeping on the floor
I don’t want to be in this station
I will never let
My parents be there
Nor will I one anyone to be there too.
I wish that station was empty!
by Viloshena Ravandran

1 comment:

m_kaur said...

wow...anak baik!!!

but is fun just watching ppl...